Foreman Fabricates Practical & Elegant Custom Metal Countertops.
From the service countertops at the St. Louis Blues’ home ice arena, the Enterprise Center, to fashionable restaurants all over town, you’ve probably seen Foreman’s work. Custom-made stainless-steel counters are durable and beautiful so they can stand up to tough, ongoing commercial use.

Stainless Steel Counters for Hospitals, Restaurants & Commercial Spaces.
The smooth, non-porous nature of stainless steel makes it the ideal metal for countertops where food safety, cleanliness and hygiene is critical, such as venues where food is prepared or sold. Stainless steel is strong and attractive and germs and bacteria can’t penetrate it, making it the metal of choice for countertops, cladding, door push plates and kickplates and other surface areas in restaurants, hospitals and doctors’ offices. True to it’s name, it’s also stain resistant against things like food colorings, oils, acidic foods, blood and other bio-fluids. (Ask us about Antimicrobial metals and finishes to help you protect against the COVID-19 coronavirus)

Custom Metal Counters for Industry. Foreman Makes a Lot of Them.
Foreman Fabricators can make you a strong and durable metal workbench or counter designed to hold up to harsh environments like those you find in industrial applications, where countertops take a beating and can be exposed to solvents, oils and lubricants, chemicals or other harsh liquids. Super tough and easily cleaned, metal work surfaces and countertops are common in factories and industrial facilities, and Foreman makes a lot of them.
Whatever application you have for a custom metal or stainless-steel countertop, Foreman can make one (or dozens!) for you. Contact us today for a quote.